Monday, December 27, 2010


hmm..~~haix...ming tian need early wake up jor..~ :( sad~ coz nid go to dat stupid klinik check 4 my body..~coz of dat stupid NS~ >< ...hmmm 2mr after go check klinik also dono wan go whr jor..~ Pity de meee~:( i have go to taipan thr yam cha n play snooker.... wit my friends...^^ (happy)...when i came down from the bus i walk half say gt 2 ppl look so known de...i dono know onot larh...den i walk walk walk...sudenlly she called me '' Ming tian (dono wat she say jor'' i only can hear ming tian this word coz i hearing to headset~kakakax..>.<
hmmm then i walk go taipan lurh~play 1 game of snooker then dwn play jor.....coz wan pokai jor...:( hahhax...after that few friends come..they called me accompany they play bt i say dwn nurh..i wan on9 kakakax...coz there gt wifi fast tim dat line~^^
den i on9 till 6+ go downstair yam cha..~i wan go down thr play computer thr dont have plug head i cnt chg so cnnt on this laptop..:(...
nvm lurh..yam cha yam untill....6.30pm den go wait bus...waaaa....that stupid bus i waited for 1hour LOL~! ==''' sienzzz jor....that time stil so hungry timm...~~~come back my hse around 7.45pm LOL~come back n eat eat eat.~~den on9....hahahax..untill now~whee heee~~~

hmm i tink thats all 4 today yea.~^^ anyway thnkiuuu 4 view this ugly profile~^^ hehe
Love you guys n Gurls~^^ <3

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