Tuesday, December 28, 2010


whee~i b write story about today nurh.~~hehe >.<...
hmmm 2day wat i do ady arkh.~~WAIT~let me tink tink~~hmmm hmm hmmm...yea i got it~ ^^
from today morning i waked at 6.45am wow~so early ryte.?? >.< make me so tired jor..~:( co i need go 4 de klinik jor~...7.30am i reached at dat klinik feel so happy can check up jor..~~at last while my turn~i go in n he Said:owhh..hari ini kita sudah habis check up untuk murid yang mengambil bahagian dalam NS~~zzzz...i heard bout this i noe i cnt check it jor~~coz he say if wan check also nid wait untill 11/1/2011~LOL~!that time i at sarawak thr play untill so happy jor lorh..~>< m i ryte.??hahaX..>< a sad case is wasted my time go there n still woked 4 so early..~zzzz....sienzzz jorr..~~><..after that nvm lurh i go back home and on9 awhile..~after 10min i behh tahannn jor.~~~eyes goin close.~>< den i also go slip nurhh..~~slipp till about 2pm like dat woked up n sit at th chair ntg to do..~feel dizzy n faint.. LOL~!>.< den after 5mins go on9 again~~hahaX...on9 also sienzz ntg to do..~~that time my still expired so pity..~i wan call my fren ask whr r them de..i wan go out~bt cnt..zzzzz...charm lo...tat time i hope my fren will call me coz i ady fatt mouu jorrr at house..kakakaz...pas few minute he reli call me..WeeehhheeEE feel happy gt friends call me go out jor..hehe >.< then i also go out jor nurh~hehe....go out yam cha~hehe~den no sienz jor..~~hahaX...Wow thx GOD 2day wait bus nonit wait like ytd so long jor..~2day awhile only come jor..hehe~(Happy)...reach to taipan thr also ntg to do/take out this laptop n play play play~><..play till half feel so hungry jor ~den i go call ting eat~hehe~...eat till half have a VERY very very funny story~i lagi ckit wan vomit back i eat de ting.coz laugh till i gastric LOL~!wakakakkakax..tink back pun HAo xiao~hahax...
yu tian n dong tian 2day sit bside me mah...den they talk talk talk...talk till half yu tian tell me dat dong tian(daikao) wan go langkawi jor next year at june hahahaX...i laugh till like hell ady.~somemore yu tian tell me dat dong tian go langkawi ady dint come back malaysia jor..~~he wan go JAPAN~!!!wakakakkakxkxkxkksakkakakakxx........Laugh die me lehh..XDDDDD......if he reli like dat can i now also not at malaysia jor lo i now mayb at korea study-ing...wakakakkakakakakx za dou....hahahaX...n many more funny tings narh..hahax...dwn chat here~><
after that~about 7.30pm like dat gt another 1 fren call dong tian n help him da bao~hmm nvm lurh~when he arived i also folo ~ actualy is go his car n hear dat sound system nia.~hahaX...WOW~!bt tat sound system reli very nice sound ~ all about 13k my fren do ady for dat myvi~ go world competition won num 2 ehh.~~kai wan xiao aarkk~~XDD
let u c his 1 pic~

Yeng hor~??at down of the sit thr de.~

hmm after hearing finish~v go asia cafe thr yam cha jor lurh..~~hehe so shuang~><
let u c hu folowing~><

dong tian let me tou pai~

jin tian~

yu tian~

me.. let yu tian tou pai~><

tang khuai~><

hehe all let me tou pai accept 1 pic..><
after yam cha den back lurh~sienzz...><

hmmm...i tink tats all 4 today lerh..coz lazy write jor.~~><
admire some1...>.< wan msg n call her de bt phone no credit..:( anyway (secret)dwn talk much jor~>< but i nid to keep my single life~hw.??

anyway~I miss u guys n gurls~ <3 yea.~^^

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