Thursday, March 17, 2011

Waaaaa~ long dint come back here chit chat really have a big changers~~~~~anyway nvm i noe i quite outdate jor nw...paiseh~hehe~><
hmmm...i just goin 2 write some nia nt much..~coz if i reli wan write wen i start till nw...really a very very long story..~hahax.....i will shorten it...
hmmm many ppl i noe will ask me a question that is..Hw is ur NS..??hahax...
i will tell u here...its very very awesome n nice..~u really can learn alot of tings inside thr...~if u gt any phobia i really encourage u to go n refuse ur phobia..~exaple like scare high~n many many more la..~n inside u can learn hw u make a decision b4 u goin start a job..~many ting thr will teach u is hw 2 b a good n usefull people in this world n hw 2 love malaysian as more as u can..~..Next~hehe
hmmm when CNY tat my life...i 1st time 1 ppl celebrate CNY without family...hmm tat time i realy realy miss my 'tuan yuen fan' =( n miss my family alot..~at dat time i only feel hw important is a family..~haix...dis year ang pao pun cnt gt as much as last nvm...happy jiu haoooo....xDDD..hmmm when this year CNY i celebrate with my fren at i only noe hw good n better n nice in><
hmmm....when i back K.L...hehes..
it's realy fun n happy~coz at last i can come back 2 k.l...miss u guys n gurls so muchhh~~~hehes....u all gt miss me..?? ><
hmmm....1st day i come back...i eat wit go out leaaa..u c so gud neaa...hahahx..><
hmmm...2nd day i when out pyramid gai gai....~coz at home ntg do...~kekex...
hmm....3rd day i when to mid valley 4 gathering with Malay NS friends...after go mid vally , my fren call me go to setapak thr play snooker then i also follow them go..coz i so long no play snooker jor...noob jor so much..Shit~~~~><
hmmm....4th day is when out to time square, n cheras...far leaaa..~coz 2nd Gathering from all chinese..~hehe...go cheras thr n eat....hmm feel regrets go thr la actually coz wait my diner wait jor 1+hour only come....=( sad nvm i take it as a lesson n i learn it...hehe~^^
hmmm.....5th day is when out to pyramid~hahax...coz frens birthday go redbox n gai gai a while go summit cut more BOTAK~~~=( hahhahax...i noe its very weird y i botak stil wan cut hair ryte..??haha gt reason de...><
hmmm n 6th is is my free day..coz i ady go out 4 so many days....nid take some day to relax n have a new breath..hehe....~coz i ady so tired..><
anyway 2day i just write till here...i noe it's quite funny wat i write....hehe...><
hmm i will end here ba..~ Miss u Guys n Gurls sooo much~n Love You All~^^ Take Care~

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