Wednesday, March 23, 2011

23/3~~ Big Day~! xD

hmmmm....2deay was a really very big day ~^^ wat day.??? iss.......take SPM resultt~~~Wheeee~hahahahx..><
hmmm 2day i waked at 7.30am~ready all my tings n wait 4 my friends come fecth me go skul..hehe~go skul dat time is 8++am its to0 early cnt gt tat result yt..~~:( hmm den my friends sundenly say ltr go shopping wor..~i wear like cacat den i call him fecth me back n chg cloths~hahahax...geng leaa..?? >< den v also back to dy skul stil early..den v go 2 restaurant eat 1st eat till 11am den i hear 1 phone can take result jor~~wohooo~den i also go in n take result~after i saw my result ...i gt feel sad ,feel happy,n feel regrets dono wat happen..~hahahx...okay i will tell u..~sad is bout my result y i no study.?? u all also noe i not like study larh..hor.?XD ...happy its about my result also~i feel happy bcause even i dint study dint read a book dint listen to teacher...i also can pass my subject~!^^ happy till die~!XD woohoo~!Thanks GOD~!..hahax...regrets it's i cnt join any college dy..~n i cnt go in a good job also.~bt nvm i can tell u here..~i will use my hand my body my strength my soul n my best~to success my whole life~!i can tell u here i wont make my self like a orang cacat~! >< anyway gt happy gt sad n gt regrets ...wat u all wanna ask me i tell u here~if dont undestand ask me..hehe~bt i hope u all will not like me larh...coz i not like to study de...u all also noe i think?? xD...anyway NEXT~!xD
hmmm after i go take my result ...v also went to ioi 2 shopping~hahas...walk walk around eat mcd~walk till 1+pm v chg place to sunway pyramid~hahahx...geng leaa.~~coz to0 bored jor at ppl de..~after v chg to sunway v also shopping awhile ,find friends awhile, den my friends tell me..~wanna chg place?? i reply~HARRR~Chg to whr..?? my eye also big jor.~hahax...he said chg to!XD den i also follow them go gai gai lurh....gai gai till night~hahax...hmmmat the moment v at car.~coz all of my friends dono hw to go de.~den i noe abit~i also teach him hw to go lorh....go till half way...~i call him turn left he turn right~ishhhh ishhh troubles come~~pheeeWW~make me sitted at car for few hours~jalan salah~! >< den i also dono go whr jor~hahax...go till 1 place thr so inside de..~something like jungle lol~i also call him stop it n i go ask a ppl who walk around thr~den only v success go to the not i can tell u v sesak till jungle inside dono hw to come out arkkhhh~~~XDDDD >< ...anyway We R Save~hahahx..~reach thr is bout 3-4pm i think~then at thr walk around~i saw i want to buy de jacket gt sale at leeeaa~dat jacketr so hard to find de.~its quite expensive de tat jacket i noe~coz is a very nice jacket~i love it~! u noe hw much it cost??? i take 1st de jacket n try d~at is most expensive de.~RM400.00.....WAAAAAAAAAA~~~~i syok~2nd i try de RM2++.oo jor..geng~! den i tried many lerh~i soo like dat rm 400.00 de jacket lorhhh~den i tell dat uncle~help me keep i will b back on next month~hahahahax.....gao siaooo leaaa..~~XD ><..... den my friends also buy a jacket gt fur de..~hahax...quite nice~suit him~XD,,,,hmmm anyway~i will stop here la...if i still continue i will make u continue laugh de....hahahahax...~

hmmmto all SPM members(2011) a telling 4 u all:
for ppl who Fail~hear this~i know ur parents o friends o uncle o untie will scold you bt....
~Dont care wat ever they said bout u,RMB that u have do all ur best means U R The Best..dont fail let them see~n next time work harder dont lazy~do a new person of you~n u tell them i fail my exam does not means i fail my LIFE~!anyway u guys n gurls still gt many way to go~just see wether u r in good work onot~RMB i Tell u~Fail Exams Does Not Means Fail Ur Whole Life~!Move Forwards~No Backwards~!!!Learn From Fail~!

hmm to all Pass ppl:Wish u guys n gurls good luck n this is ur very good n big day~ appreciate wat u having now~wish u all have a very very good dreams come true~!^^

anything pls dont missundestand orh...i'm not scolding u o saying u~i'm just have some encouragement 4 u all guys n gurls~!^^

to my friends~t.yaw,y.lun,k.fei,k.oon thnkiuuu 4 today accompany me go out shopping~n help me saw i wanted to find de jacket~ n special thanks to ah wai(driver)~hahax...~n sorry 4 teaching de wrong way~

Ends here bahh~tatax~love you~miss you~!Take Care~!^^

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