Monday, March 21, 2011


hmmm 2day i dont want out force by my friends..>< haiz..i also go out lurh...go summit play snooker..not snooker lucky~>< lose jor long dint play they buli me nvm la...lose ady also so happy coz i can train back my skill back.~^^ hehe...2day v play till the table cost rm 50++ hahax..i also xia dao..>< play quite long..hehe..~ anyway next~
hehe~hmmm after i finish play friends call me to go 1 seminar..dat is 'Score A' train u hw to make more money de.~just like de amway ting..~bt dis score A seminar reli touched my heart hmmm after i heard i feel wanna join..~bt it cost reli high nid rm800 only can u earn more than tat larh..~hahx..i just tinking hw 2 find dis money out nea..??i will use all my way to gt dis..~n i will join this gua..coz this 'Score A' its something like tuition de..if u dono hw to study u can join dis corse..veli gud..~i heard when tat ppl tell me i also gt abit feel wanna join dis jor....i don reli good o not larh...any comment giv me..?? >< nid all ur support~TQ~..
hmmm i will ends here bahh coz tired jor..>< paiseh..2day quite short..hehex...~
anyway~miss u n love you~^^ take care~

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