Sunday, December 26, 2010

Waaaa~Simple intro~^^

Waaa...only do this blog do till sot jor..><
hmm i b start from ming tian de gu shi~mean i will write it on 2mr lurh..wakakakaX...XDDD
hmmm just make a simple short intro 1st yearh~^^

♥ 明天~ ^^ ♥ Age 17..~(2010) ♥ Like play Snooker~

♥ 明天 says : he will wait 4 it.. and he say he miss u so much~!♥

♥ Pls b cool n chill anyhw that ppl treat u~ ♥

♥ I'm just a ppl would always like to c ur smile~while u not happy or not in gud mood can find me~i can be a clown like dat accompany u..~Rmb i just wan you to haPPy.~sometimes mayb can solve out ur prob also de..^^ ♥

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